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.PK Domain (Pakistan)

USD 96.00 / 2 years
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The .pk domain belongs to Pakistan, located in South Asia. The ccTLD .pk is managed by PKNIC. More than 219 million people live in this South Asian territory, making it the 5th most populous country in the world.

In Pakistan there is a large audience to attend, where companies and individuals can see business opportunities. Some foreign investors consider this destination attractive for their projects.

A .pk website can increase your visibility in digital media. It is an advantage that your customers can find you online and easily view the product or service you offer.

Domain characteristics

General Information for the domain extension .pk - Pakistan

Meaning of Extension .pk is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Pakistan.
Minimum and maximum length 4 - 63 characters
Time of registration 7 days
Time of transfer In real-time
Registrar Transfer Yes
Trade Yes
Premium Domains No
Whois Privacy No
DNSSEC Supported No
Renewal Period 2Y
Registration Period 2Y
Cancellation Period 7 Day(s)
Renewal On Transfer No
Term transfer on Transfer Yes
Term transfer on Trade Yes
No local contact needed
Registry Connection Directly
Number of nameservers allowed 2 - 5
The domain terms for .pk domains can be found at:
All prices including 0% VAT.
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