.RO Domain (Romania)
USD 9.98 / year 1)

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Romania, a country in Eastern Europe, has .ro as its official domain. The .ro domain, launched in 1996, is administered by the National Institute of Computer R&D.
There are more than 12 million people on the Internet in Romania. It is ranked 5th in the world with the best broadband Internet connection and today, there are still more than 700 active operators within Romania.
The .ro domain can be the key to improving the scope of your business, it is free to be registered by any individual or company.
There are more than 12 million people on the Internet in Romania. It is ranked 5th in the world with the best broadband Internet connection and today, there are still more than 700 active operators within Romania.
The .ro domain can be the key to improving the scope of your business, it is free to be registered by any individual or company.
Domain characteristics
General Information for the domain extension .ro - RomaniaMeaning of Extension | .ro is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Romania. |
Minimum and maximum length | 1 - 63 characters |
Time of registration | In real-time |
Time of transfer | In real-time |
Registrar Transfer | Yes, with Auth-Code |
Trade | Yes |
Premium Domains | No |
IDN | Yes |
Whois Privacy | No |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Renewal Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 7Y, 8Y, 9Y, 10Y |
Registration Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 7Y, 8Y, 9Y, 10Y |
Cancellation Period | 1 Day(s) |
Supported IDN characters | â, î, ă, ș, ț |
Renewal On Transfer | No |
Term transfer on Transfer | Yes |
Term transfer on Trade | No |
No local contact needed | |
Data protection | The data will be sent to an EU member state. This top-level domain (TLD) is GDPR compliant. For more information, please refer to Chapter 5 and Article 49 of the GDPR. |
Registry Connection | Directly |
Manual renewal possible | |
Number of nameservers allowed | 0 - 6 |
The domain terms for .ro domains can be found at: Registration Agreement https://www.rotld.ro/registration-agreement/ Rules for Registration https://www.rotld.ro/reguli-de-inregistrare/ Dispute Resolution Policy https://www.rotld.ro/dispute-resolution-policy/ |
API Details
1For new registrations plus USD 40.33 one-time fee.