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.VE Domain (Venezuela)

USD 270.00 / year
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Venezuela's digital space is growing rapidly. Currently, it has approximately 20,500,000 users on the Internet that represents 64.31% of the Venezuelan population, where constantly more people have access to cyberspace.

.ve domains were launched in 1991 and have been administered by the Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) since 2008. It is important to know that .ve can be registered by individuals or companies anywhere in the world without the requirement of being resident.

At this time, the use of the Internet in the country is generating greater penetration. What encourage the growth of hundreds of thousands of small entrepreneurs in the digital space where they are expected to connect with .ve in the coming years.

Domain characteristics

General Information for the domain extension .ve - Venezuela

Meaning of Extension .ve is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Venezuela.
Minimum and maximum length 1 - 63 characters
Time of registration 7 days
Time of transfer 7 days
Registrar Transfer Yes
Trade No
Premium Domains No
Whois Privacy No
DNSSEC Supported No
Renewal Period 1Y
Registration Period 1Y
Cancellation Period 7 Day(s)
Renewal On Transfer No
Term transfer on Transfer Yes
No local contact needed
Registry Connection Directly
Registered trademark needed
Number of nameservers allowed 2 - 5

API Details

  • domain:create
1 USD 72.00 / 1 year
All prices including 0% VAT.